Monday, September 12, 2011

Ol' Jack Lantern

Two posts in the same day and a new header image. God Damn, look at me go. Here's a pretty kick ass Jack O'lantern I did the other day on an equally kick ass client of mine. I would've thought I'd tattoo more jack o'lanterns through out the years but alas this was my first. It's quite different from my usual way of tattooing but I feel a change coming on as far as the way I execute tattoos in terms of style and technique. It has a lot more color and other "flashy" shit going on with it, in my opinion any how.  I am not responsible for the bull located above the old jack... just sayin'.

I had every intention to post the following tattoo yesterday on September 11th. It seems to me that 9/11 has become a far more patriotic day/anniversary than any other, perhaps equal or even more so than Independence Day. Despite the chaos, mass murder and unbelievable tragedy it's brought a kind of unity to the people of our country, a common thread that connects us all on a very powerful level no matter what coast or state you call home. I live only about 100 miles from New York City and I visit Manhattan frequently, I consider it a second home and truly cherish that city, yet people 4000 miles away in California feel just a passionate and where hit just as hard in regards to the events of September 11th 2001.

Enough of my banter and on to the tattoo- Join or Die, drawn by Benjamin Franklin in 1754, this image is about as Patriotic and American as it gets. After 257 years it still holds up and expresses the spirit of the citizens in the United States. I really feel every one needs to remember both within this country and especially abroad: the politicians and their often times crooked agendas DO NOT represent this country
and ARE NOT this country. The people, the citizens are, you and I make up this great land. (Sorry for more Banter)-

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