Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Almost There

I've been working on this painting for the better part of 2 years. It seems a little excessive in hindsight but I feel it's coming along rather well. I have very little to go( the upper most right corner) and the finish line is in sight. I'm quite excited about it and felt the need to share even though it's a little premature.

Black Line

For many years I have enjoyed creating primarily line based work with only black ink. The work done in this manner serves no purpose other than my pleasure, a personnel project if you will. Here are a handful of such works. I have future plans for these pieces and others which are of the same vein. I look forward to sharing this upcoming project with you when everything is arranged and the time comes. As always thank you for looking and your interest in my work.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Here's my most recent custom munny, a Yokai. I had a rough time getting a decent photo, so I apologize for the lack of quality and quantity.

I've always been fascinated with the enormous catalog of Japanese demons many of which fall under the category of Yokai. Yokai are a class of supernatural or otherworldly demons which can sometimes be malevolent while others bring prosperity and good fortune. These are creatures of folklore and there's a great deal of them, everything from possessed inanimate object such as lanterns and fabric to lumps of flesh that roam around graveyards and one of my personal favorites, the "filth licker" which is a creature that has an serpentine like tongue and and can be found loitering around public restrooms and other dirty locals.  This one here that I created is just your typical variety, a generalization of the subject matter and really isn't found in folklore, the closest would be the Kuchisake-onna, or Slit-Faced Woman.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Gives You Wings

Here's a handful of tattoos that are relatively recent and I've either forgot about them or was simply to lazy to post them and somehow all three images include subjects with wings.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Interior Decor Or Just Scribbling

Here's a recent commission that I've just completed. I don't have a damn thing else to say at the moment.